Contractors, Suppliers & Vendors
Devon is a leading independent oil and natural gas company engaged in the exploration, development, and production of oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids. Our contractors, suppliers, and vendors (collectively referred to on this site as “contractors”) play a vital role in the achievement of Devon’s vision to be the premier independent oil and natural gas company. We pride ourselves on a culture of integrity that defines our relationship with our contractors, as well as sets the standards of operating ethically in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. We expect high quality, environmentally sound and safe work from our contractors, which requires our contractors to provide and retain quality personnel who are adequately trained to perform their jobs safely.
Devon works with a variety of contractors to maintain our daily operations across the U.S. This area of our site covers information for current and potential contractors. Devon does not pre-qualify contractors. It is company policy to use only contractors who have completed Devon’s supplier qualification process and become approved. The supplier qualification process begins with your company being awarded work by Devon. Once awarded, you may be required to sign an agreement, provide insurance, and meet Devon's Environmental, Health, & Safety (EHS) Requirements.