We're in this together

A part of the Devon culture is to value differences, include and encourage others, and courageously address inequity where it exists. We cultivate an inclusive, diverse, equitable and respectful workplace where our employees can feel a sense of belonging. When we bring together diverse experiences and challenge ourselves to think differently, we believe it leads to innovation and creative problem-solving. Devon also engages with our communities to understand how we can make a difference beyond our workplace.

Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) vision:

Every person contributing to their fullest and making a positive impact every day.

To make this a reality, we have active participation from our senior leaders and committed volunteer leaders and allies. We’re expanding our DEI programming to bring more employees into the conversation, build understanding and make positive change happen.

  • The Devon board of directors endorses our DEI efforts and follows our progress closely.
  • The DEI Leadership Team of executives and vice presidents champions strategies to achieve our vision and supports others by coaching, motivating, breaking down barriers and listening.
  • The volunteer DEI Team strives to proactively increase awareness, identify challenges, and find innovative ways to achieve our DEI vision and strategy.
  • Our Human Resources team guides and advises the DEI Team with strategic support, tools and resources for success.

Devon employees participate in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. parade held in downtown Oklahoma City.

We have been exploring aspects of racial and social justice since 2020 by listening and learning from community DEI thought leaders, and engaging more employees in the DEI conversation to dispel myths and build awareness. Most importantly, we are taking action on feedback and suggestions from employees. We’re increasing DEI learning opportunities that allow employees the chance to contribute and grow.

Devon’s leadership is also demonstrating an even greater focus on DEI. As part of this focus, they had honest, heartfelt conversations about the right things to do to improve DEI at Devon. From these conversations, senior leaders formed work groups to consider our approaches on hiring, employee benefits, DEI and leader resources. This resulted in expanded paid leave options, more focus on our processes for hiring, and plans for more frequent improvement discussions.

Our actions in 2023 to be more diverse, equitable and inclusive included:


  • Enhanced Devon’s paid time off policy to provide additional time for all employees to take care of themselves and their families.


  • Increased DEI learning opportunities through guided conversations, book study groups, external speaker events and other programming.
  • Implemented recruiting practices to attract diverse candidates and create a positive candidate experience.
  • Introduced scenario-based discrimination and harassment training for all employees focused on speaking up and speaking up for others.
  • Prepared diverse candidates for advancement with leadership development and mentoring opportunities.
  • Launched the Women’s Leadership Learning Forum, including female Devon directors, to connect women leaders in exploring leadership topics and forming a meaningful network to support learning and growth.
  • Launched Foundations of Leadership program in 2023 for all leaders through a partnership with Harvard Corporate Learning. It includes reinforcing leader’s skills in building and maintaining trust, creating psychological safety, setting clear expectations, feedback, and coaching for individual and team performance.
  • Continued sponsoring the Women’s Energy Network of Greater Oklahoma (WEN OK) and Oklahoma Women in Tech (WIT), and supporting women at Devon in being active participants and leaders in these organizations.


  • Disclosed our annual U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) Report for details on our workforce by race, ethnicity and gender across EEO Commission (EEOC) job categories.
  • Increased our DEI Community Grants (formerly Inclusion and Equity Grants) from $268,000 and in-kind donations to Oklahoma City and the New Mexico Delaware Basin nonprofits in 2022 to $280,000 and in-kind donations to nonprofits in Oklahoma City and all five of our operating areas in 2023. See page 71 for more on our DEI Community Grants program.
  • Employee survey ratings for DEI-related survey questions improved from April to October 2023. Specifically, ratings increased on the sense of belonging regardless of background and equal opportunity for career advancement for everyone at Devon.

Developing tomorrow’s workforce today

Devon’s partnership with Cristo Rey Catholic High School in Oklahoma City is an investment in the school, its students and our future workforce. Cristo Rey received a Devon DEI Community Grant in 2022 for its work-study program for eight students to get real-world work experience in our headquarters office. The work-study program also accounts for a major part of the private school’s funding to further its mission to make affordable, high-quality, faith-based education available to underserved communities and families of limited means.

Cristo Rey students participate during standard business hours alongside Devon professionals in our accounting, EHS, exploration, mid-continent business unit, information technology (IT), marketing and supply chain groups.

Senior Arianna Luevano brought skills from four previous work-study placements in varied industries to Devon, where she worked on an engineering related project. Her assignment included a presentation about her experience to company employees.

“The collaboration between Cristo Rey and Devon Energy gave me the opportunity to see a profession I was unfamiliar with. Initiatives like this allow for high school students to gain insight of potential career paths. During my time at Devon, I was truly welcomed into the community and through this learned lots about the company and myself. Efforts similar to this one allow for an exploration of diverse careers and potentially influence our future decisions.”

–Arianna Luevano